Saulo Fernandes will perform for the 'pipoca' at the lookout point of Camarote Salvador

Espetáculo para a rua é um presente para os foliões que estiverem na avenida do Circuito Barra-Ondina

Um dos maiores fenômenos do Axé Music, Saulo Fernandes vai agitar os foliões da pipoca do Circuito Barra-Ondina durante o carnaval. Com um show especial, diretamente do mirante do Camarote Salvador, o cantor e compositor vai encontrar os fãs que estiverem na avenida curtindo a maior festa popular do mundo.

O espetáculo para a rua poderá ser acompanhado por todos que estiverem passando pelo local. A vista privilegiada será dos foliões que estiverem integrando o Camarote Acessível para pessoas com deficiência e idosos da Prefeitura de Salvador. O espaço fica em frente ao Mirante, onde o show acontecerá.  

“É muito massa imaginar que o camarote vai tocar para a pipoca!” comentou Saulo Fernandes.

The initiative is a way of amplifying the joy that exists on the Circuito Dodô, says Luciana Villas-Bôas, executive director of Premium Entretenimento, which promotes Camarote Salvador. “Every year, we welcome thousands of people to our event, and we know that the energy of the street is what makes our party unique. We've teamed up with Saulo to exalt the diversity of our carnival and give a gift to the city that bears our name,” he says.

With an established and successful career, Saulo began his musical career in 1996 with the band Chica Fé. In 2001, he won the Carnival revelation singer award. A year later, he became the lead singer of Banda Eva, gaining even more notoriety in music. The artist led the group until 2013, when he launched his solo career. Over the years, he has collected hits loved by the public, such as the songs “Raiz de Todo Bem”, “Anjo” and “Sol em Festa”.

Saulo Fernandes' show for the 'popcorn' crowd at Mirante will also ensure that the proceeds from Camarote Salvador will benefit Hospital Martagão Gesteira, a philanthropic institution that has been caring for children and adolescents in the Bahian capital for 56 years.

Event: Saulo Fernandes concert
Venue: Mirante Camarote Salvador | Circuito Dodô - Barra-Ondina
Date: February 10th
Time: Afternoon
